
Looking back at string.h

Map an error number to an error message

Break a string into tokens

Search for a string in another string

Compute length of a string made from a set

Reverse search for a character in a string

Search a string for the first occurence of any character in a set

Compute length of a string complement

Search for a character in an object

Search for a character in a string

Compare two strings

Compare two strings

Concatenate two strings with length specified

Concatenate two strings

Copies a string into an array

Copies the value c into the first n characters of object s

Copies a string into an array

Computes the length of a string

Compares the first n characters of s1 and s2

The advantage of putting every libc function in a separate file

Copies n characters from one string to another

Copies n characters from one string to another

String handling header

Mathematical functions introduction

Macros for advancing through variable length argument lists

Common definitions header

Implementing float.h and computing floating-point limits

Sizes of integral types

Implementing errno.h and some error macros

An introduction to make

How to use ar to create a static library from object files

How to run a binary without the use of the built-in stdlibc

Discussion of the project goals and a plan to meet them

Some things to consider before starting a project, like choosing a license or directory structure.

Some history and information about C standards

First post demo-ing some things with markdown